Where does the word apostello come from?

Apostello is a Greek word used in the New Testament to describe the sending away or appointing of someone to go to a particular place.

Apostello Training is a program under the umbrella of the NEXT STEPS program hosted by Short-Term Missions.

Apostello is intended to meet the need for well-trained workers to reap the harvest across all of ACN through intensive training which will include topics such as spiritual disciplines, cultural understanding, Biblical evangelism concepts, security, logistics and more.

Apostello is for those who have had at least 2 months of AIM experience on the field.

Apostello is taught by seasoned missionaries with experience in a variety of nations and cultures which provide a foundation for ACN workers to step into new fields with confidence.


  • Ages 18+
  • At least 2 months of AIM service on the field.
  • Positive references during the application process.